I love Halloween but I must admit it saddens me that my favorite month of October is almost over. It has been a fun month with some fantastic adventures....
JD applied for a new job, interviews in November.i didn’t have a CNS bleed and 1 week of prednisone healed me up quite nicely with no hospital visit.Vernal temple and dinosaurs.craft night with Tara making some super cute blocks.dressing up as a knee replacement patient for Halloween.lots of work for both JD and I as we fill in at South Ogden pharmacy on top of our other jobs.school moving along.dinner with David and Erin.night of the running dead 5K.fall break.therapeutic blood finally.Nat turned 24.listening to Elder Bednar at the institute.primary program.snow.fall leaves drive through Weber and Parley's canyon.India mission reunion and Ganesh with Ben.General Conference..
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fall Break
Fall break this year found us in Vernal, home of Utah's Dinosaur Land. We got to do a bit of exploring but thanks to my health, another trip to Dinosaur National Monument is in order for the future but we did have fun and it is nice to take a break from work and school.
The highlight of the trip was going to the Vernal Utah temple. It was a very neat building with an interesting history. In 1907 it was dedicated as a tabernacle by Joseph Fielding Smith, in the meeting he stated that he expected a temple to be erected in their very midst in the future. In 1997 President Hinckley dedicated the tabernacle which had been gutted and redesigned, as a temple. The brick required to complete the temple was taken from a house that a non-member was going to have raised. When approached he allowed members to take the brick house apart brick by brick; as the brick came from the very same brickyard as what was used to construct the tabernacle in the 1900's. It serves members of Wyoming, Colorado, and Eastern Utah.

The ride was beautiful. I was very grateful for a late fall this year as there were bright yellow quakies and red maples all along our journey, one of my favorite parts of fall. We stopped in Park City on the way home for a bit as well. Sunday night we also had the opportunity to listen to Elder Bednar speak at the WSU Institute. It was fun to see a lighter side to him as he talked about the importance of feeding grandchildren icecream, among other important things. All in all it was a great weekend, it was fun being with JD Friday and Saturday as I usually don't get to see him since he works wacky shifts. Happy Fall Break!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Night of the Running Dead
Emily, Christie, Erin, K-Beth, and I ran in the Undead Race yesterday at This is the Place State Park. It was a blast. When registering you select either survivor or zombie and arrive as such for the actual event. All proceeds went to Huntsman Cancer Institute. As can be seen from the photos, we were all undead. When the race starts, the survivors begin running, 2 minutes later they let the zombies loose; so you have a whole lot of zombies chasing a bunch of normal looking runners. I felt amazingly good about finishing, breathing was hard on the hills but for the most part my bum lung did just fine pretty tight compared to the left side but it worked. It is amazing to think that about 2 1/2 months ago I struggled walking around a level cul-de-sac from pain and the inability to get enough oxygen in comparison to running down a hill in Salt Lake City yesterday. I would be feeling fine while running down an easy portion and would start walking just because I was freaked my lung would suddenly betray me if I didn't take it easy. Super cool, super exciting, super relieved that everything went well. Erin was super nice and made a delicious cake for my birthday afterwards. Talk about a fantastic day!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Twenty Four
Twenty four oceans
Twenty four skies
Twenty four failures
Twenty four tries
Twenty four finds me
In twenty-fourth place
Twenty four drop outs
At the end of the day
Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty four hours ago
And You're raising these twenty four voices
With twenty four hearts
With all of my symphonies
In twenty four parts
But I want to be one today
Centered and true
I want to see miracles, see the world change
Wrestled the angel, for more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
(Switchfoot, 24)
What an interesting age to be.....there is a song all about turning 24, a television show that I have only ever watched one episode of, and there are 24 hours in a day. So far I am liking it quite a bit, we'll see how the rest of the year goes!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A place for everything and everything....where?
I have a tendency to lose things. These things include: gift cards, SD cards, keys, books, notes, etc. They are never lost, lost, but more so lost in an obvious place that whether I have looked there once or not, if I did, I didn't see it. A few recent cases in point:
1-India Reunion Friday: we were leading one of JD's companions to the reunion from Ganesh. I had the instructions and map printed out and was doing a fantastic job navigating us there. Suddenly, after pulling off VanWinkle, I couldn't find the map, it had vanished out of my hands! I searched and searched, until we came to the last known spot to turn, JD stopped, Ben stopped and we went through the car unable to find the map. I ended up introducing my dad to Facebook by having him log into my account to read off the address from the event invite. THREE days later, I found it, for some reason I had folded it up tiny and put it in the mirror in the window shade.
2-Pharmacy Saturday: I lost our cash bag. I had counted out the deposit from the night before that very morning and somehow it vanished. I spent 2 hours looking everywhere for it along with our pharmacist who had also seen it. We both had searched a drawer that was one below the usual one we put it in, and on the third try it was there, to my great relief, there has to be a Gospel Principle story somewhere in that one.
3-Before work, Tuesday 6:00 AM: I start work at 6:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was up and ready and taking care of a few things, a couple of dishes in the sink, picking up some clothes and stuff, when it turned 6:00 and it was time to head for work, I went to my purse to get my keys, when: dang it! Not in there. I go through my whole purse a couple of times (I don't even have a big purse) and search everywhere, and anywhere but to no avail. 6:20 I cave and wake up JD asking if he knew where my keys are. In a sleepy stupor he rolls out of bed and Frankenstein walks into the living room straight to my purse, he peruses through it, lifts it up off the table, and YAY there are my keys, right under the purse! A withering look, kiss on the cheek, have a good day, and JD went straight back to bed. Traffic was nonexistent and I was only 4 minutes late for work.
I am grateful for a husband who knows how I think, more so than I, and usually finds my misplaced out-in-the-open treasures. I just need to work on the admonition of a place for everything and everything.....something, I'll remember later.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
India Bangalore Mission Reunion
We went to the India Bangalore Mission Reunion last night and it was pretty neat. It was fun knowing quite a few of the guys there. Bonus of the night was going to Ganesh, the best Indian food restaurant in Utah hands down. It is amazing to see the men who have gone to India the past two years fill about half a gym (with a very good attendance) who were called to served in a country boasting 1.1 billion people. The Indian government hasn't allowed outside missionaries into the country since March 2009 so much of the work now being done is by natives until the visa hold is lifted. Newly released president Nichols assured all that the work continues to move forward and growth has only grown in India despite the trials.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Happy October
Welcome to October everyone! My very favorite month of the year! Why?
- General Conference
- Birthday
- Apple Cider
- Family birthdays: Ken, Grandma Ada, Kassie, Jeff Dawson, Kaytie, Cassie, Maggie, Jeff Speth
- Halloween
- Decorations
- Sweater season
- Leaves: colors, crackling sound
- Sleeping with the window open and needing quilts
- Fall Break
- Carving Pumpkins
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