Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Just Keep Swimmin

Emily and I had a fantastic day today. We both got off work at 12 and met at Cafe Rio for some delicious food. Afterwards we went to the Roy Aquatic Center. I have not been swimming FOREVER. Last summer just as I was finishing up my clinicals and getting set to play in the sun, my pulmonary embolism happened and I found myself in a recliner chair in a basement until mid-August, before leaving my doctor forbade any swimming activities. Winter came once more, followed by Sprinter, then Sprummer, now that it is finally summer I have gone about 1 1/2 years without going swimming. This saddens my heart, but all was made well when Emily agreed to go with me. I will admit we felt a little silly swimming with all of the 10 year olds, but it was well worth it. I have created a new stroke: The Dragon. My porcelin skin that has also seen very little sun for 1 1/2 years wasn't even deep fried, I am mildly burnt which is more than I was expecting despite the multiple administrations of sunscreen. To top it all off, we went to Jamba Juice after. My friends, this was a wonderful summer day!