Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Interviews, Planes, Hotels, Cars, Friends, Family

So the past couple weeks have been nothing short of insane when it comes to our future. JD has received 4 interview requests over the past 3 weeks (including one today) and seeing as they are all over the country, it has been a little stressful keeping everything straight, between flight times, prices, hotels and their location in relation to the schools, car rental details, maps from airports to hotels, contacting friends and family to find a place to sleep or ride from the airport, and the list goes on. The main summary is this: Midwestern University, Phoenix Arizona, November 10th; LECOM Bradenton Florida, November 17th; Pacific University, Portland Oregon, November 19th; and LECOM Erie Pennsylvania, November 29th. This equals a lot of stress and a lot of money. Not to say we aren't grateful, hopefully we will get accepted at a good school and will know as early as Christmas where and what we will be doing and when, that is a nice thought indeed.


Erin McQ :) said...

I feel good about coming to visit you guys in any one of those locations! :) No seriously though, that's so exciting! More details Thursday please!

heather.fowers said...

I vote Erie, PA it is only seven hours from me. We could totally hang out.