Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Lincoln Highway

So the following is the much anticipated Lincoln head....yes I know you have all been waiting. If you ever want to see it in person, it is on Happy Jack Road in Wyoming; it was built in commemoration of the highest point on the transcontinental highway. I also have a picture of me with the plaque honoring one of my heros, Stephen Mather, one of the major developers of the National Parks in the United States. He is right up there with John Muir in my book. (if you don't know what I am talking about, I highly recommend the Ken Burn's documentary on the National Parks)


Erin :) said...

2 things...
1. That Lincoln head is HUGE.
2. I still want to see that national park documentary...borrow please? in disks...LIKE ALIAS all over again...only not. :(

Speth said...

They are yours when my grandpa is finished with them. :)