Saturday, November 27, 2010

Run Santa! Run!

There is nothing that kicks off a holiday season like running a themed 5K. No zombies this time. Today everyone came out in red for the Run Santa Ogden 5K. Talk about fun, rules: be dressed as Santa. and that is about it. There were a couple of green Grinches and Cindy Lou Who's, lots of reindeer dogs, and a ton of Santas. The aid stations were handing out milk and cookies and finishers received a candy cane. It was so fun doing this with Erin, definately will do this one again next year!


Tara and Tyler said...

I can't even imaginve what it would be like to go running. You are one lucky duck!

Skylee said...

So my brother JR ran in that 5K and tried really hard to convince me to I wish I had listened to him!

Erin McQ :) said...

So fun!