Happy Mother's Day! I found it only suiting to honor my amazing mom on such a fun holiday. My mom is one of the coolest people I know. I don't know of many mothers who are willing to drive their kids to California for a surfing competition and rock concert on the beach-Switchfoot Bro-Am-, drive her daughters to the Rock Springs Wyoming Fair to see the same band play, and ask for the lead singer to put some sunscreen on her nose (pictured above, Jon Foreman of Switchfoot), go with us to competitions in Alaska, Portland, Florida, sponser Tennessee, and help with the projects that got us there. Take us on such trips as Fish Lake every year, California, Oregon (multiple times), Florida, Lake Powell, Wyoming, and the spontaneous state trips. Let me paint my wall green despite her fear of color on walls. I have learned much from my mom: never be late, always be on time, always take a water bottle with you even if you don't need it, don't be afraid to go somewhere new or try something new, learning is fun and important, go to college, math is hard even for adults, check the weather at least 10 times to be fully prepared (I have dubbed her the "Weathermom"), finish the jobs you agree to do, how to appropriately and satisfactorily clean a bathroom including a scrubbed sink/tub, how to make peach jam, service is important, fulfilling callings at 110%, don't get sick (and if you are try to hide it or she is freaked out), you have to learn to cook even if you hate it, make lists, and this list could go on for awhile. I love my mom so much, she is awesome, and I am
super blessed to have her in my life.
Nice list! The picture of her and Jon STILL brings back all of my nervousness of when we met him. I couldn't believe how bold she was and I just stood there too shocked to say anything. Then Jon asked me if I needed sunscreen and I said no. Then mom said oh come on! So he came back and I took the tiniest amount off the very edge of his finger! LOL! Mom is the best.
your mom is awesome. i like her.
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