Today is my sister's birthday. She is in the land of horses, antelope, boots, and cowboys for school and having a grand time. Em is amazing. She is super knowledgeable about all kinds of ''dumb' things from elephants, to dolphins, to just about anything that has ever had a documentary made or a NOVA special on because she loves them. She is a talented violinist and is working on the cello. She knows a lot about surfing/surfers, Switchfoot, cooking, cupcakes, Lord of the Rings, Alias, and occupational therapy. She is one of my very best friends. I love her lots and feel pretty lucky to have her as my sister. Happy Birthday Em.
Thanks Nanny. I have never seen that picture before! Too cute!!
Proof I must love you a lot because we are sitting on my Goose Blanket...that means a lot that I was sharing. ;)
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