Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ogden Half Marathon

What a blast!  I can scratch off a Half Marathon off my wish list as of today.  I loved participating in the Ogden Half Marathon.  It was seriously so much fun.  I liked the whole course....except the last 7 blocks on Grant with the Finish line glaring at me in the distance.  Utah blocks aren't short and that part just wasn't much fun, though the crowd was great.  I couldn't have asked for a better race buddy.  Erin was fantastic too and it was fun to have that experience together.


Em said...

Way to LIVE! We are proud of you adn Erin too!
Mom and Dad

ann clarke said...

I love the snow on our hottest day. Love your photos and all you do. Do you stay awake nights thinking what to do next? I'm love your blog and know I can get caught up really fast wherever you are or go.

Love you both,

Gma Ann