Monday, July 23, 2012

Goodbye Herefordshire

Today was a very sad day.  It was my last day working at the Herefordshire Pharmacy.  I have been there for more than 6 years, not long after I got out of high school.  I love my coworkers and with no turnover since right after I was hired, we have become a family.  I didn't make my official goodbyes since Earl wasn't there, but it was still hard. 

Lara Nye...Val Martinez...Earl Snyder...Deb Omer...Karen Barnes...Todd Snider...Sye Speth....Kale Bettolo...Roxanne Arave...Kyle Kitchen...and the other pharmacies I have been able to fill in, South Ogden with Betty Yamashita, Shaun Wheeler, Joe Bergen, Morgon Poll, Natalie Martin, Ryan Scott, Addie Keller-fill in extrodinaire, North Ogden, Layton, and Bountiful Pharmacies.  A lot of amazing people and a lot of amazing opportunities.  I am so grateful for their friendship and to work in an enviroment like this for so long.