Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Olympic Withdrawel

I love the olympics.  I think they are wonderful.  I love watching the athletes do amazing things.  I love muting the dumb commentators.  I love that once every two years political agendas can be pushed aside and that athletes can compete for the love of sport despite wars and grudges and all of the crap that goes on.

The olympics this year have been a bit of a lifesaver for me.  While I was packing I was able to follow the events during the day.  When we got to Oregon and JD started classes three days later I had something to preoccupy my time.  Now they are over and I am in trouble.  I went from being a full time graduate student working two jobs to only having to worry about what to cook for dinner.  I need a job, and a hobby, and a project or I am going to go crazy.

So, thank you London Olympics 2012, for keeping my sanity a little bit longer, for inspiring, for taking up my time, and for just being the cool thing you were.

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