Monday, March 18, 2013


I have probably babysat more since getting to Oregon than I did my entire growing up career. Mind that isn't saying too much. I was really busy with school and I had a job at age 14 so when it came to babysitting there were only a couple of families I would agree to babysit.
All of our friends in the ward have kiddos so on my 'yuck' weekends as I like to call them (weekends that JD is studying for an exam). I will often volunteer to watch kids so my friends can go out on dates, to the temple, run errands etc. This is an added bonus because JD gets uninterrupted study time and I am kept busy. I actually enjoy babysitting now. The kids are all cute and being a grown up manipulation doesn't work and the kids know it. It has been fun playing with them and taking care of them. I had to drop off some money to one of my friends today because I kept forgetting to pay her back and upon reaching the door I was invited to 'come play with me' as my hand was grabbed to lead me into the house, for the next little bit we read books and examined my work badge and when it was time to leave there were tears. It is nice being loved like that.
Now I am at another friends house so they could go see their new baby in the NICU I love the forced relaxation and time I have to be still. I will be here through Thursday so we will see if I go crazy from so much peace and quiet, but until then I am loving this.

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